Gartner has just released its data regarding smartphone market share, and predictably, Android continues its dominance unabated, even though with a statistically lower market share. While Android holds 82.2 percent share of the market as of Q2, 2015, its market share in the same period last year stood at 83.8 percent. Apple seems to be the only gainer during the period, raising its share from 12.2 percent of the market globally in Q2, 2014 to 14.6 percent of the market in Q2, 2015, on the back of increased shipments of its large-screened iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. For the rest though, it’s the same old story of shrinking market share, as the third largest mobile OS, Windows, has seen its share of the market fall from 2.8 percent in Q2, 2014 to around 2.5 percent last quarter. BlackBerry meanwhile, continues to fade into insignificance with just 0.3 percent of the market as opposed to 0.8 percent it held in the same quarter last year.
As for the total aggregate sales, Gartner’s report states that 329 million smartphone units were shipped in the quarter ended June 2015, out of which, Android and iOS ran on as many as 319 million, which is exactly 96.8 percent of the market. While the combined market share of the two American companies have been higher this year than it has been previously, the fact remains that the Google – Apple combination for long, has dominated the smartphone landscape both in terms of usage and mind space, and with every passing quarter, the statistics are just getting more in line with the ground reality.
With the smartphone market reaching a saturation point in China, the overall smartphone growth rate has fallen to 13.5 percent globally, which is the lowest for the industry since 2013. Gartner believes that future growth in the world’s largest smartphone market will come from replacement of older handsets at the premium end and customers looking for new and affordable LTE-enabled devices at the entry-level. In his report, Mr. Anshul Gupta, research director at Gartner, says, “While demand for lower-cost 3G and 4G smartphones continued to drive growth in emerging markets, overall smartphone sales remained mixed region by region in the second quarter of 2015”.