Pichai's CEO Promotion Rumored To Be Twitter Counter Offer

Google’s made some pretty big changes before, like buying and selling Motorola, or giving Sundar Pichai a new position as the head of Android, Chrome and other divisions. Today though Google has probably made its largest move yet, which is restructuring the company. This consists of two parts. The first is appointing Sundar Pichai as the new CEO of Google. This is a massive step up for Pichai, but what happens to Sergey Brin and Larry Page? They’re heading up Google’s new parent company called Alphabet, which is the second major part of Google’s restructuring efforts. So why the sudden change to give Pichai the CEO title?

That decision may not be so sudden, but the more interesting part about this scenario is a theory that’s now floating around the web about the reasons for handing Pichai the new seat. According to some, Pichai is believed to have been an interest for the CEO position at Twitter. Right now Twitter is also undergoing a pretty large restructuring and are in the process of trying to find a new permanent CEO. The theory is that Twitter was interested in giving the CEO spot to Pichai and that Google made the decision to move Sundar up to CEO in a bid to keep him. Whether or not that has any truth to it remains to be seen at this point, but it’s certainly an interesting angle on the whole changeup today.

While Twitter hasn’t made any claims to throwing out offers to move Pichai, they apparently tried to win him over just a few years ago, with Google countering to keep him on board with the search company. It’s a wild and crazy theory in a way, but it also makes a little bit of sense. In just the last couple of hours since the announcement people have taken to Twitter to discuss the possible reasoning for Google’s decisions, and to no surprise this theory happens to be a hot topic of conversation. How interesting then that Twitter is the chosen medium to discuss the theory of a possible job offer to Pichai to be Twitter’s CEO.