Virgin Media Releasing Free WiFi Within U.K.

If you’re a Virgin Media customer and happen to live within the U.K. then we have some exciting news for you. Turns out that this autumn Virgin Media will be creating free WiFi hotspots which will give customers a strong and free internet connection while out and about. This will come at no cost to their consumers, but there will be some slight changes for customers who own a Virgin Media Super Hub. According to the company though, there are no changes being made that will tamper the security and information of your Super Hub.

Virgin Media announced that they are working on a free powerful network within the U.K. but this will come at the cost of some slight changes to their line of Virgin Media Super Hubs. These Super Hubs are Virgin Media’s line of routers and with this new free network rolling out, Virgin Media will have each Super Hub act as a WiFi hotspot. Ultimately what this means is that if you own a Super Hub within your home or business, it will turn itself into a free WiFi hotspot for the general public to use.

This can sound a bit concerning right off the bat, but Virgin Media makes note that this will not cause any effect with your personal information. Instead, the router would create a separate IP for the WiFi hotspot leaving your personal IP alone and secure. Customers will still get the same secure broadband they have been paying monthly for so hopefully this won’t worry too many consumers when the changes take place.

While there’s no exact date on when this new free network will be rolling out, Virgin Media will still give customers control of their Super Hub. Instead of being forced into abiding their changes heading towards the Super Hub, customers can opt out. In order to opt out of allowing your Super Hub into being a free hotspot, customers will have to select the appropriate option within their account under the personal profile settings. However, it seems that if a customer opts out with their personal Super Hub router then they are no longer eligible to connect onto other customers Super Hub’s as a wireless hotspot.  This will be interesting to see how many consumers decide to opt out as it could greatly affect the vision Virgin Media had in mind.