ABC News Adds Android Auto Support in Latest Update

We’re starting to see more and more apps updating with Android Auto support lately. The latest one, might be a bit of a surprise. It’s the ABC News app. Which is now compatible with Android Auto. Now while you won’t be able to read about the news on that 7-inch display in your car. Which is a good thing, you can listen to ABC News’ Radio in the car. ABC is touting the interface in their changelog, but as most of you know, the app has to fit in a container made by Google for Android Auto, which means the UI and experience is going to be much the same as many of the other apps available for Android Auto. The only differences you’ll likely see are the highlighted colors. For instance Spotify is Green, Google Play Music is Orange and PocketCasts is Red. This is something that you’ll see with all the other apps coming to Android Auto.

It’s great to see more and more apps coming with support for Android Auto these days. Between iHeartRadio, Spotify, Google Play Music, Pandora, NPR One, ABC News and the many other apps available out there, you should have plenty to listen to in the car each and every day. And of course there will be plenty more on their way. We’ll have to give ABC News a try and see how well it works in the car, it should be a great one for those that like to listen to news radio on their way to or from work.

So this adds yet another option to media you can listen to while you’re in the car. Whether it’s on a long road-trip across the country, or just heading to work each day. It’s an app that I’m sure will get used quite a bit. Other items in the changelog for this update mostly refer to bug fixes and stability improvements. You can grab the update from the Google Play Store which is listed in the sources section down below.