Not too long ago, Verizon announced some new data plans, in their Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large, or S, M, L, XL. This was part of their announcement of doing away with contracts – at least for new customers, for now. The existing data plans were 1GB of shareable date for $30/month, 3GB for $45, 6GB for $60, and 12GB for $80 per month. Today, the company has decided to add a fifth option for customers. Adding in an XX-Large for those that need even more data. So for $100/month, you can add 18GB of shareable data to your account. Now this data will be used by all the devices on your account. That includes tablets, cameras, smartphones and smartwatches. And whatever else Verizon can sell you in the future. For those that are heavy data users, this is a good deal for them. As they don’t have to worry about overages if they go over the 12GB plan.
“Customer response to our new plan has been exciting,” said Nancy Clark, Senior Vice President of Marketing for Verizon. “They’ve shared a lot of feedback, so we’ve listened to them and looked at what we’ve learned from three years of offering shared-data plans to offer options with the most value for them.”
Verizon has been slowly but surely getting away from contracts and subsidies, and now they have pretty much done away with them altogether. If you’re looking to switch to Verizon, you’ll be jumping onto Verizon’s EDGE program and paying for your device each month. And that cost will depend on the device you get. So if you get a Galaxy Note 5, it’s going to cost a lot more each month than say an HTC Desire 626. The plans are a bit more easier to decipher now, but the price will always depend on your usage as well as the phone that you have. So bear that in mind.
These new plans don’t make Verizon the cheapest carrier out there, but they aren’t aiming to be the cheapest. But rather the carrier with the best coverage, which currently they still do. While others are still playing catch up, primarily Sprint and T-Mobile.