Google's Victoria Ransom & Alain Chuard Leave Google Express

Google over the past few months to a year has been experiencing some recent jumps with their top employees. For starters Tom Fallows, who headed Google Express, decided to leave Google for a position within Uber. Following Tom Fallows was Sameer Samat, the VP for both travel and shopping products with Google. Sameer Samat left the search engine giant back in May of this year for a spot at Jawbone. Now Google is losing two more key members within the company as an announcement was made by Alain Chuard through his Facebook post that both he and Victoria Ransom will be leaving Google to pursue their next big adventure.

For those who are unaware of the duo, Google purchased their startup company, Wildfire, three years ago. The software company allowed campaigns to target potential clients by their personal and behavioral data through the various social media profiles. This was a massive piece of software for companies compared to other alternatives for reaching an audience that showcased their advertisements through triggered keywords. Heading the company was Victoria Ransom and her co-founder and fianc©, Alain Chuard when the company was first started back in 2008. As mentioned, the company was swooped up Google three years ago for a price that is believed to be around $250 to $350 million.

Since Google acquired Wildfire, Victoria Ransom filled in the role for Google Express while Alain Chuard moved forward onto Google My Business. Now three years later the duo has decided to call it quits with Google which Alain Chuard announced through his Facebook profile. Alain Chuard’s Facebook post stated the following: “Goodbye Google. It’s been an incredible three years and we will be forever grateful for the opportunity you gave us and the Wildfire team. But it’s time for the next adventure. Stay tuned…” We’re unsure as to what Victoria Ransom and Alain Chuard have planned next. With their latest successful startup company owned by Google and after working for that very same company, there’s absolutely no telling just what will come from their splitting off to pursue other endeavors.