For our readers across the pond in the UK, 4G has become the norm for much of the nation now. With EE and Three offering up some of the best coverage, it’s pretty easy to get online with some very impressive speeds up and down the country. There’s always room for improvement, as with anything, and Three’s latest press release confirms that as much as half of the UK is already enjoying faster speeds. How has Three managed to increase their speed by so much? Well, it has to do with a little bit of added spectrum, essentially increasing how much of the airwaves their network can use.
Three have added 5 MHz of addition spectrum to their 1,800 MHz spectrum already in use, and this extra spectrum has allowed them to do more with their existing infrastructure. According to Three, parts of Northern England, the West Midlands, Scotland and Northern Ireland already benefit for speeds as much as 50% quicker than before. Bryn Jones, Chief Technology Officer at Three said that “many of our 4G customers will already be enjoying a faster, more reliable experience at no extra cost. Our network processes a huge amount of data and we will continue to work hard on providing them with a service that delivers the reliability and speed that they need.” By ‘huge amount of data’, Three can quantify this thanks to the fact that they carried 42% of the UK’s mobile data up to the year ending March 2015. Considering that EE is a much bigger network than Three UK is, that’s a surprising figure, even more so to say that EE launched their 4G network before anyone else.
For customers in the UK that are looking for the best deal, Three have been killing it for a long time. This Editor enjoys unlimited data on a 30-day rolling contract for just £23, which allows me to bring any device I want to Three’s network and get speedy 4G downloads. The network now covers 98% of the UK and for those looking for a great deal, or just unlimited data, the plucky little network still remains one of the best places to turn to.