Samsung Release "Scan Your Device" To Check For Issues

The original smartphones were designed and sold to people too busy to sit down at a computer regularly long enough to pick up their email, or flick through reports and spreadsheet information, but who instead needed to keep up to date during those fleeting minutes between appointments. These early adopters invested in a smartphone because it could help them be busy. Many of today’s smartphone customers appear to be busy because they have a smartphone; tasks and duties that were once reserved for time sitting down in front of a computer are now carried out on the move. This includes social networks and handling email, through to image processing and sharing, and of course the calling and messaging features that many of us still rely on our smartphone for.

A side effect of being busy is that if something is not right on our devices, but we are able to live with it, we will tolerate things until it is no longer manageable. Today’s smartphones have also become overly complicated devices with sufficient space to allow customers to download and install dozens of applications. But what if things do not seem right on our device? As people are used to downloading, installing and running applications, but do not wish to see somebody about a potential issue on their device, some manufacturers have realized this and have released diagnostic applications for users of their devices. This is exactly what Samsung have done by releasing “Scan Your Device” within Samsung+. Samsung’s researched showed them that 96% of customers wanted self-service help and support and “Scan Your Device” allows customers to run through some diagnostics tools on their Samsung smartphone. The application also comes with, “tools handy to optimize battery life, device memory, storage, data usage and more,” although it is not clear what this exactly means.

With the release of the Samsung Galaxy S6, Samsung also announced that they were including the Samsung Smart Manager in the device, which included an application from Clean Master and a task killer. Samsung have not stated if the “Scan Your Device” application is from the same internal team as the “Smart Manager,” With a very rare exceptions, Android does not need a task killer, so if optimizing device memory means killing old tasks, this feature is of dubious value. Nevertheless, Samsung are keen to keep customers happy and the “Scan Your Device” feature may encourage developers to fix misbehaving applications going forward.