AMOLED Shipments Increased By 100% YoY, Samsung No. 1 Supplier

There are two general types of displays which manufacturer use in today’s smartphones, AMOLED and LCD. Different manufacturers tend to use different displays, and some of them actually use both types of displays, depending on which smartphone are we talking about. When someone mentions AMOLED displays in the context of smartphones, some of you will probably think of Samsung first, and that’s completely normal considering that Samsung is the best-known OLED panel manufacturer these days. That being said, a number of smartphone manufacturers are actually developing AMOLED displays and have started investing huge amounts of cash in order to make progress, read on.

LG is actually the best example. The company’s IPS LCD displays are great, and the company has been including them in their smartphones for a long time, but earlier this year, LG is planning to invest around $8 billion dollars in OLED tech by 2018. That alone is a huge thing for OLED tech, but LG is not the only OEM to aim that high. Anyhow, OLED tech was expected to rise in the coming years, but it seems like the growth has already begun, at least according to IHS’s report. Around 79 million AMOLED panels for mobile devices have been shipped worldwide in Q3 this year, which is an increase of over 100% compared to last year.

According to IHS’s report, AMOLED mobile display shipments grew by 35% in Q3 compared to Q2 this year, which is impressive. Samsung, however, sits on the very top of AMOLED display suppliers and is benefiting most from this situation, which is to be expected. The company actually holds 95.8% of market share all over the world when it comes to small and medium-sized AMOLED displays, and the company has invested even more cash into their OLED tech and production capacity earlier this year. Now, we’ve mentioned that LG is shifting towards OLED tech, well, they’re not the only ones. LG will manufacture AMOLED panels in the future, but Apple is another big name who is said to make a switch to AMOLED displays. The company will reportedly use AMOLED displays for their 2018 iPhone handsets, which means that either Samsung or some other company will greatly benefit from selling such panels.