Facebook's "Your Year In Pictures" Now Selects Better Photos

Since 2015 is coming to an end, it’s time to analyze the actions we took during these months and perhaps to relive a few moments looking at some pictures. Facebook knows it and the company has just released “Your Year in Review”, which can be seen at the top of the News Feed section. Last year, Facebook got some criticism when launching this feature, as some of the photos chosen by the algorithm didn’t represent moments that users would want to remember, particularly this time of the year. This year, Facebook improved some of the filters to make sure that it selects pictures that get a smile out of you.

Facebook stores your pictures so you or one of your contacts can see them whenever anyone wants. And in this time when people get extra nostalgic, it’s a good chance to remember some good times and share them with others. The improved algorithm will leave photos that have to do with a breakup or someone special passing, so the chosen photos could end up representing some of the most enjoyable times users had throughout the year. The new unique set of filters works in the same way as the ones from the “On This Day” feature, which got updated a couple of months ago to avoid showing unpleasant memories. Your Year in Review will also remember the preferences from On This Day, including people you’ve blocked or the ones that have been tagged in less favorable situations.

Your Year in Review will suggest users 10 pictures from their albums applying all of these filters, but this feature is now giving users the opportunity to edit that list of pictures in case they were not properly filtered or in case a user wants to add a particular picture to this automatic album, even from the filtered ones. Users can share their photo set with others when they get something really meaningful out of it. From the News Feed, users have the option of hiding this set of pictures or scroll through to preview them, they get the edit options and the ability to share it.