LG Send Out MWC 2016 "Play Begins" Invites

CES may have just ended but that does not mean that the ‘event news’ is finished with. In fact, the ending of CES simply starts off the talk for the next big event which is on the calendar, MWC. This event is planned for the latter part of February and this means that many of the manufacturers, companies and sites will be already beginning to prepare for the event. One of the manufacturers who is for sure going to be in attendance is LG.

LG has today begun sending out invites to its MWC event. The first and most important aspect is that the invites being sent out confirm LG will be in attendance and also details that their event will take place on Feb 21st at 2PM (local time). As this is a Barcelona set event, local time is Central European Time (CET). In terms of the more interesting aspects, the invite does not give too much away in terms of what will be on offer or announced at the event. However, the invite does clearly make a note date Feb 21st is the date when “Play Begins”.

The date confirmed is actually the day before the event will officially begin, so this will be one of the early events taking place and likely along with a number of the other big manufacturers. There has been some rumblings that LG may show off and announce the latest generation of their LG G lineup, which this time will be the LG G5. One of the recent rumors about the LG G5 is that it will come with dual displays and also some element of ‘hardware expansion‘. It is not entirely clear as to what this additional element is supposed to be, although this combined with the use of a dual display could be what the ‘Play Begins’ reference is related to. Of course, the company could take the opportunity to unveil another LG V range device, or anything really. That said, whatever it is that LG has in store for MWC, will be on show on Feb 21st and we will be there to find out.