Project Fi, the MVNO carrier that Google launched last year that runs on both Sprint and T-Mobile’s network, has been seeing some updates to its service. Little by little, Project Fi is getting better and better. Also adding more and more subscribers. While many of us aren’t using Project Fi – whether that be due to device limitations, having to watch your data usage, or another reason – yet, the team is still hard at work in improving the service. They just released a new update to the app which allows you to record multiple voicemail greetings. And you can also decide which one will play. So within the app, you are able to record these greetings, as well as switch them out very quickly. Talk about being convenient.
This was a pretty popular feature in Google Voice, which the team has slowly been rolling Google Voice features into Project Fi, and it’s one that many users are going to love. There’s not much else new in the updated Project Fi app. The changelog just mentions bug fixes and performance improvements. Which are pretty much standard for updates to apps these days. The update released last night, or early this morning depending on what part of the country you’re in. So if you haven’t already gotten the update, be sure to head on over to the Play Store and grab it now.
Google’s Project Fi is a pretty interesting project here. While many thought that Google would give us unlimited data for a low price, that definitely was not the case. You pay $20/month for “Fi Basics” which include calls and texts over WiFi and mobile networks, then it’s $10/month per gigabyte of data that you use. If you don’t use it all, you’ll get a credit on your next bill for the data that wasn’t used. And if you go over, that’s no problem either, as you’re paying the same amount per gigabyte. So there’s no overages and no penalties for using more data, you just pay the regular price. However, Project Fi only officially works on the Nexus 6, Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X. But the data only SIM will work in many tablets and smartphones as well.