Verizon's LG G3 Being Updated To Marshmallow?

Several months have passed since Google released the source code for Android Marshmallow, but it is still only available to a handful of gadgets around the world. That anomaly, however, is seemingly changing at a rapid pace over the past few days, with many a smartphone starting to receive the latest version of Android either from their carriers or directly from the vendor, as the case may be. With HTC and LG taking the lead in making Android 6.0 available to their respective premium handsets, devices like the One M8 and One M9 from HTC and the G3, G4 and V10 from LG have all started seeing the new software roll out to them in some part of the world or another.

Now, it seems like Marshmallow may be finally here for the Verizon version of the LG G3, which happens to be the 2014 flagship from the South Korean consumer electronics company. While reports regarding the same are yet to be officially confirmed, a redditor by the username Jrdnram_98 seems to claim that the OTA notification for the incoming update is now being received by users of the LG handset on the big red. While other users of the Verizon-spec G3 have denied getting the OTA notification, updates are known to roll out in batches, so it isn’t uncommon for a company to take a while to actually finish the process of updating all units everywhere. Meanwhile, the update reportedly comes with build number MRA58K and software version VS98546A.

As can be seen from the accompanying screenshot, the cumulative security updates for the month of January are also part of the update, so it looks as if Verizon may be killing two birds with one stone here, which is just as well, seeing as the G3 will now not just have new enhanced features like Google Now on Tap and Doze, but also increased security, thanks to the latest patches from Google. The G3, of course, first started receiving the Marshmallow treatment in Poland late last month, so it was always only going to be a matter of time before the new software rolled out to the smartphone globally.