comScore: Android & Samsung End 2015 With Market Share Increases

Each month the latest figures come through from various data analysts and highlight the current trends and performance of the Android operating system in general, and its relative manufacturers. The latest of which came through this week from the Android Developers team and confirmed that Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) is now running on approximately 1.2-percent of devices, while Android 5.0 (Lollipop) has now pushed past the 34-percent marker. Following this, comScore has now released their latest data set detailing how the operating system and smartphone manufacturer landscapes currently look within the U.S..

In terms of the operating system, all figures are relative to the U.S. market and reflective of the three-month period ending December 2015 (and compared to the previous three-month period ending September 2015). In terms of the numbers, Android occupied 53.3-percent of the operating system market. This equated to a single percentage point increase up from 52.3-percent for the previous quarter. Apple registered an operating system market share of 42.9-percent, which was down from its previous three-month total of 43.6-percent. In contrast to the other operating systems, Microsoft’s option remained static on 2.9-percent over the two three-month periods, while BlackBerry joined Apple in seeing a decrease from the previous three-month total, with their current figure dropping down from 1.2-percent to the latest 0.9-percent marker.

Moving to the smartphone manufacturer side of things and again, for the U.S. market and covering the same time-frames, Apple remained top in the U.S. with the same market share noted for the operating systems, 42.9-percent. Which as mentioned, reflected a small 0.7-percent decrease over the two quarters. Samsung remained in second place and effectively took the market share that Apple lost with their figure for the end of December coming in at 28.4-percent. An increase of 0.8-percent from the previous 27.6-percent marker. In third place was LG who saw a slight increase over the two three-month periods with their latest figure coming in at 9.9-percent (up from 9.4-percent), while Motorola also saw a slight increase to 5.3-percent (up from 4.8-percent). Closing out the top 5 is HTC who remained static over the two three-month periods with a 3.3-percent market share.