When it comes to virtual reality, a number of companies are really betting big on the industry. Which is not too surprising when you consider that most seem to be believe that virtual reality has now finally and firmly arrived and is destined to be the next big thing in technology. Two of the companies who specifically seem to be looking to cement their position is HTC and Samsung. The former releasing one of the most immersive VR experiences to date and the latter releasing one of the most affordable headsets to date. In fact, both seem determined to not only bring hardware to the market, but to also help to increase the general level, variety and quality of the virtual reality content that is on offer as well.
In Samsung’s case, the latest evidence of this comes in the form of Bedtime VR Stories. In short, this seems to be designed to help continue the age-old tradition of parents reading a bedtime story to their children, but one which looks to take advantage of this new and emerging virtual reality world. As such, the parent does not necessarily have to be in the same location as the child for them to enjoy the story together. Instead, and providing there are two Gear VR headsets (and two compatible Galaxy smartphones) nearby and using the new Bedtime VR Stories app, the parent can engage in a bedtime story with the child. Both able to communicate with each other and both able to enjoy the story together, with the parent narrating the story and both seeing visually representations.
Bedtime VR Stories is not available just yet and at the moment there seems to be little in the way of confirming as to when or even if it will become widely available. However, the service is currently said to be in testing in the UK and Samsung has put together a short video to demonstrate how it all works and what you can expect from Bedtime VR Stories. You can you can check out the video in full by hitting play below or heading through the source link to find out more information.