Survey Suggests Most Americans Are Ready To Switch Carriers

Are you unhappy with your current service provider and are ready and willing to make a switch due to it? You’re not alone. In fact, over half of American smartphone users feel the same, at least according to the latest survey conducted by the US consulting and research company Accenture. The 2016 Accenture Screenager Report was composed out of the data collected in the company’s Digital Consumer Survey earlier this year with the goal of researching consumer-related trends in regards to smartphones and related services. According to the same source, 80% of American consumers are currently using a smartphone and the majority is unhappy, dissatisfied, and just generally not pleased with their mobile service.

The survey cites that around 60% of current smartphone users are both unhappy with the connectivity and general user experience they’re paying for and have serious concerns about the security of financial transactions conducted on a phone. Just under half of interviewed people are also concerned about the privacy and security of data they store on their devices and 83% of them are displeased with how much ads degrade the quality of their user experience. In fact, despite the fact that the number of smartphone users in the US increased more than threefold in the last several years, the percentage of those planning to increase spending on smart mobile devices and PCs has dropped in an almost reversely proportional manner. Naturally, this can also be interpreted in a way that people who weren’t planning on spending much have just recently acquired a smartphone, so take from that what you will. In any case, this at the very least suggests that users’ 2015 spending habits in the context of smartphones won’t see a significant rise this year.

Interestingly enough, not only are not all smartphone owners which are dissatisfied with their providers looking to switch carriers but the aforementioned survey suggests that nearly three-quarters of consumers would be willing to pay more for better connectivity and over 80% of them are ready to buy more products and services under the condition that speed and reliability issues they have with their providers are not completely resolved, but merely ameliorated. You can see these and other Accenture’s findings in the succinct infographic below. Also, in case you’re interested in seeing the other side of the telecommunications coin, Verizon recently conducted a survey which focused on what providers and smartphone manufacturers deem as the worst phone owners in the US.