Animations are part of just about every operating system. Often times they are so smooth in transition from one thing to another, that you don’t really see them. That’s actually a good thing, as it means your smartphone or tablet is running smoothly. Google’s designers have been hard at work with transitions and animations with the launch of Lollipop and material design in 2014. For the most part, their work has gone unnoticed. That was until now. A YouTuber known as ‘GeekCeption’ has posted a video showing the animations in Android N, but in slow-motion.
There’s nothing new in this video, these are all animations we’ve seen in Android before, but they are much slower now. Allowing us all to see just how nice these animations are in Android N. Of course, you can also experience this on your own device – if you have a Nexus or Pixel C that is running the Android N Developer Preview – and head into Developer Settings, change the Animation, Transition and Window scale options to 10x. Which is the slowest the transitions and animations will go. It’ll likely seem a bit weird on your device, seeing these animations going that slow, and you’ll probably think that something is wrong or that it is lagging.
Android N is currently on its third developer preview with two more on the way before the final release in Q3 – which the final release appears to be around September, based on the given timeline. Android N hasn’t yet gotten an official name or version number, but we should see that in just a few months. It’s a great update to Android, and it does add in a few new animations to the OS. Not to mention multi-window finally being available in Android. Instead of manufacturers needing to build it into their own skin that they use on top of Android.
If you’re interested in checking out the animations in Android N in slow motion, be sure to check out the video below. It’s pretty neat to see the hard-work of the designers at Google, and see just how good these animations really are on Android N.