As any Star Wars fan would let you know, today, May 4th, is Star Wars Day. The Internet will once again be filled with “May the Fourth be with you” wishes and memes, and a lot of popcorn will be popped by fans of the series who may plan a new Star Wars viewing marathon by the end of the day. Funnily enough, this year it looks like T-Mobile also decided to use this opportunity to target AT&T with another wacky joke. As you may already know, T-Mobile CEO, John Legere, previously referred to AT&T as the Death Star due to the carrier’s logo, but now the company went one extra creative step forward and launched an extension for Google Chrome which, when active, replaces the “AT&T” text on nearly any webpage with the text “The DeATTh Star”.
The Chrome extension can be downloaded on the desktop version of the browser and as mentioned above, the extension doesn’t do much aside from replacing “AT&T” with “The DeATTh Star” wherever you go on the Internet. In other words, it does one thing only, and does it well. The extension works on pretty much any page, including AT&T’s official website and the company’s social media pages. “We’re inviting every US wireless customer to embrace the force and use it against the dark side”, said T-Mobile’s CEO in the official press release, adding that with the help of customers, “the world will see what I’m pretty sure we’ve all known all along – that AT&T is an Evil Empire set on bringing back the dark days of US wireless”. How did T-Mobile reach the conclusion that AT&T is an Evil Empire, aside from analyzing their Death Star-like logo? It’s simple: they are a “gargantuan megacorp”; they are run by “an army of suits bringing darkness and pain to all they touch” with “data overages, bill shock, insane roaming charges”; they are “pathologically controlling and dominating” as they “start locking you in to two-year wireless TV service contracts” after ditching two-year wireless plans; and last but not least they are “Super secretive”.
To spread the word on the evil empire, CEO John Legere also invites social media users to capture and share screenshots with the hashtag #DeATThStar. To grab the Google Chrome extension, head down to the source link below.