There are many things that are a good idea to invest one’s time in, but perhaps none may be more important than investing time in future generations. Google UK is doing its part by holding 8 weeks of summer coding events and activities at the Google Shop within Currys PC World stores around the country. Activities range from learning how to make LEGO robotics move using code to exploring the far reaches of space, and every activity is completely free with the only thing parents will need to spend being time with their kids at these events. Although different from online-based “Camp Google,” a science camp which the search company held for kids last Summer as this is a bit more hands on with kids attending these activities in person, the idea is the same as the event is about teaching kids to be comfortable with technology.
Google UK is calling this special series of coding events Google Summer Squad, and things will kick off starting on July 12th, with the first activity taking place at the Currys PC World Tottenham Court Road location at 11 AM. This particular activity will be “Exploring Space with Code” and will last for an hour, with two more of the same activity taking place at 1 PM and 3PM, having an hour break in between each activity. Exploring Space With Code continues the following day at the same time, but instead it will be held at the Currys PC World Fulham location.
Other activities such as “Crafting Code,” will teach kids to utilize a Raspberry Pi computer and build a “digital playground” that is only limited by the creativity of the imagination, allowing them to design and create various virtual objects using python code. There will also be activities focused on putting together a musical track using code, and building a photo booth that’s powered by a Raspberry Pi to allow snapping photos with friends. Kids (and parents, of course) will need to register for each activity that they’re interested in taking part in, and in addition to the activities you can also set up appointments to have a one-on-one session with a Google specialist. While activities will begin on July 12th, the 8 week series of events will run all the way up to September 1st and will be spread across three Currys PC World locations. As a reward for participating, kids can obtain a free Google Summer Squad t-shirt and upon completion of an activity, get a badge. There are 6 badges in total correlating to each activity, but Google UK notes that if kids complete all of them, there will be a secret 7th badge to obtain.