Next Week's T-Mobile Tuesday Prizes Include Dinner & a Movie

T-Mobile has updated their T-Mobile Tuesdays website with information on what they’ll be offering up next Tuesday to all of their customers. For the free prizes, we’re looking at the usual free movie rental from VUDU as well as a free small Frosty at Wendy’s. New in the free prizes section is the ability to get 10 free 4×6 photo prints from Printicular. These pictures will be available at your local Walgreens to pick up as well.

Now for the big prizes. There will be two grand prize winners this week which will get a check for $3640 to cover dinner for a year. Along with a Fandango gift card to cover two movie tickets per week for 52 weeks. On top of that, each winner will get a check for $2,229 to cover taxes and any other expenses that may arise. T-Mobile also notes that the grand prize winner can opt to receive a check for the full $7,429 instead of the “dinner and a movie” prize. Which is the same amount, it just allows the customer to spend the money on whatever they wish.

There will be 10 first place winners this coming week, which will receive a Fandango gift card that is good for two standard movie tickets for 26 weeks. They will also get a check for $1,820 for dinners and a $1,114 check to cover taxes and other expenses. Much like with the grand prize, customers can opt to take a check for the full amount – that’s $3,714 – instead. Second prize winners (which there will be 1,430 of them) will get a check for $100 to spend on dinner and a movie for two. Of course, they can also spend that money on whatever they want, since it’s not a gift card and is an actual check.

To take part in T-Mobile Tuesdays, you will need to be a T-Mobile customer, but additionally you’ll need to install the T-Mobile Tuesdays app which is available on both Android and iOS. On Tuesday, just open the app and pick up your prizes. It’s pretty simple, and a whole lot of fun. Especially since you don’t have to spend anything – just make sure your T-Mobile bill is up-to-date.