Tinder Expands "Swipe The Vote" Support To 15 More Countries

Given the importance of the United States and its global political presence, it’s no wonder that many people outside of the country are also interested in the upcoming US presidential election. The dating service Tinder is aware of that fact which is why it has just announced that it’s expanding its “Swipe the Vote” feature to 15 more countries around the world. You may not be able to actually vote for the next US president, but you can at least use this feature to get engrossed in a discussion about politics and learn more about policies of each presidential candidate.

The Swipe the Vote functionality was introduced by Tinder back in March. It’s a product of collaboration between Tinder and Rock the Vote, a Los Angeles-based non-profit organization. The general idea behind the feature was to prompt more millennials to vote by informing them of their choices through a short quiz. Activating Swipe the Vote starts a survey which asks you about your stances on various issues related to general politics, military, gun control, healthcare, immigration, and economy. After you’ve answered all of your questions, the app asks you who did you favor before taking the poll and then displays the candidate whose policies are statistically the best match for your views and opinions. After that is said and done, Tinder directs you to your closest polling location where you’ll be able to vote for your preferred candidate on November 8th. Well, if you’re located in the US, that is.

All in all, Swipe the Vote is a politically neutral feature which gives you a lot of insight into the ongoing presidential race, so there’s hardly anything to complain about here. In addition to the US, this poll is now also available in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, India, Mexico, Spain, and Russia. While you may not be able to directly participate in the upcoming elections, you can at least be a part of a Tinder’s own political poll whose results are slated to be released next week, just a few days prior to the US presidential election. So, in case you want to take a break from finding your soulmate, you can now do that while also gaining some insight into US politics.