Verizon Asks FCC To Repurpose High-Band Spectrum Faster

Often, when the FCC is going to make a move that will affect a wide range of users whose business is governed by that move, they will begin welcoming public comment on the matter. Such was the case with the tentative repurposing of wireless spectrum in the 28GHz range and 37-40GHz ranges. The deadline for comments on the matter was Friday, September 30th. On that day, a number of big players decided to go ahead and tell the FCC what they thought of the plan and make any relevant suggestions. One of those players was Verizon, who had no objections, but asked that the proposed timeline for repurposing the spectrum and completing the work needed for it to be used for 5G be moved up, among a few other suggestions.

In addition to moving things along faster and helping to get 5G out as soon as possible, Verizon is asking the FCC to earmark the entire 28GHz range of spectrum for flexible uses as needed, which would not only allow mobile network operators to use the spectrum for 5G, but for the spectrum to be used for other purposes, leased out by owners, and even pulled down for use in a setup not unlike LTE-U. On that same note, Verizon is asking that bands in the 42, 32, and 24 GHz areas be opened up for 5G use, which would allow cross-use with the other bands named in the proposal, and would provide a wider range of options for carriers to buy up 5G-ready spectrum that meets their network needs and mixes well with their existing spectrum and equipment.

Verizon also asked the FCC to refrain from using a “use it or share it” setup for figuring out how spectrum users should share available spectrum to avoid hoarding and disuse. Instead, Verizon urges policymakers to essentially allow spectrum users to work out agreements with little oversight, then readily clear spectrum when the licensee ends up wanting it. Verizon also asks for the FCC to provide spectrum users with  “clarity about their ability to exclude other uses of particular frequencies.” Finally, backed by Verizon, spectrum user coalition Mobile Future asked the FCC to not extend 3.5GHz frameworks up into the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz ranges, saying such a move would be “premature.”