Black Friday is almost upon us, and with it, so are hundreds of great deals and discounts on various physical and digital goods. Now, if you aren’t interested in taking advantage of some great holiday tech deals or have already done so, you may want to gift yourself or your loved ones with some digital content at a reduced cost.
Cue Google Cyber Week Deals which the Mountain View-based tech giant has been offering for quite a few years now. This week, the company started offering free 4-month subscriptions to Play Music. Not long after that opportunity presented itself, we also got wind of some other great deals on the Play Store. The highlight of the latest Google Play Cyber Week when it comes to movies is the so-called half-off promotion. As the name suggests, taking advantage of this deal will cut the price of any movie you purchase on the Google Play Store in half. More specifically, just pick any movie you like and use the code “CYBERDEALMOVIES2016” during the checkout process. Alternatively, follow the source link below in order to automatically apply the code to your account. In this instance, the discount will be automatically applied on your first purchase.
Naturally, there are a few catches. First of all, this code will only work once per account. Furthermore, the offer has currently only been confirmed for customers in the United States, so everyone else will have to remain patient and see whether Google rolls out a similar deal in other countries. Last but not least, you have until Tuesday, November 29th to take advantage of this universal deal on Google Play movies. On the bright side, the discount code above seemingly combines with existing discounts on movies available on the Google Play Store. For example, if you were to purchase a $10 movie that is currently 50% off, using this code will bring down the final checkout price to $2.50. Furthermore, the discount code also applies to all movie bundles featured on the Google Play Store, regardless of whether they’ve already been discounted or not. In other words, this seems like a pretty great deal for all movie aficionados looking to save some money.