New Google Play Services Adds Check for Updates to Pixels

When it comes to updates there are few users that want to see updates more than Nexus users, which are always looking to get their hands on the latest and greatest software, and while those users will no doubt be not-so-patiently waiting for the update to Android 7.1 Nougat to hit their devices, there’s a new breed of user in town; the Pixel user. While Google’s first own-branded smartphones appeal to everyone, and are marketed as such, it should come as no surprise that the majority of users right now with a Pixel or Pixel XL are probably hardcore Nexus users of old. As such, these same users will be happy to see that the latest update to Google Play Services brings with it the return of the “Check for Updates” button.

Some Nexus and Pixel owners had noticed that Android 7.1 Nougat had removed the “Check for Updates” button from the system settings, which is a minor annoyance to some, but a total lack of common sense on Google’s part to others. How big of a deal this was depended on how serious about updates you were, and for the most part, that appears to be pretty seriously. Now, however, the latest version of the Google Play Services app, that’s version 10.0.84 for those keeping count, brings this button back from the dead. As Android Police has noticed, however, it looks as though the first tap is the only check that appears to actually do anything, subsequent taps appear to do little more than flicker the display. Of course, there’s never been much weight given to this button actually doing much in the first place.

Those looking to get their hands on the latest version of Google Play Services can either wait until the update hits their device, or they can click the source link below to get the very latest version of Google Play Services. It’s worth nothing that, even if you’re not using a Nexus or Pixel device, it’s always worth having the latest version of Google Play Services, especially as this part of Android is so integral to the whole experience these days.