Pokemon GO Game Is Hiding A Secret, Says Niantic's CEO

Pokemon GO is, hands-down, the most popular mobile game of 2016. This game was released by Niantic earlier this year, and it managed to captivate users almost instantly. This game takes some cues from Niantic’s Ingress game, and thanks to that, implements Augmented Reality (AG) factor in this game. Pokemon GO essentially allows you to see the world through your rear-facing camera, and throws Pokemon on top of that view. That concept appealed to a lot of people and Pokemon GO was all over the news for weeks, millions of people were playing the game, and as a result of that, we’ve seen various positive and negative news published in the past couple of months.

Things are much calmer now, Pokemon GO is not in the center of the mobile world any longer, but tons of people are still playing this game, and second-gen Pokemon will arrive soon. Nintendo and Niantic are doing their best to keep the game fresh and improve the experience for users, as they have been constantly tweaking the game and releasing new features for users to enjoy. That being said, it seems like there’s some sort of a secret buried in the game, at least according to Niantic’s CEO, John Hanke. Mr. Hanke said that the company likes to hide secrets in the game, and that there’s one such secret currently available in the game, and that we’ll see things develop in the next few weeks, so it seems like nobody has figured it out yet. Mr. Hanke was quite vague about the whole situation in his interview and was just teasing ‘something’, but did not want to share any additional info.

So, what do you think Mr. Hanke is talking about? What is the secret that is buried in the game? Our best guess is, some sort of an easter egg, or perhaps a Pokemon that nobody has seen thus far. In any case, it seems like Mr. Hanke knows that the secret will be revealed in the coming weeks, so it seems like we’ll have to wait and see what it is, or perhaps play the game and try to figure it out.