Uber Updates Its Community Guidelines For Pleasant Rides

Uber is most likely the most popular ride sharing service, and it is widely used by people around the world. Having its roots in San Francisco, the ride hailing service has now expanded globally, though it is facing challenges from certain governments which want to regulate the service. However, Uber tries to make the best of it and is pushing on, and this time around, it has updated its community guidelines, so that riders and drivers alike will have a more pleasant ride and drive respectively.

In a post on its official website, Rachel Holt, the head of Uber in North America explained the new guidelines, which of course the company expects all users to adhere to from now on. Under the new community guidelines, Uber stresses a few main rules. First of, riders must respect drivers and other passengers, which includes no shouting, slamming the car door, or swearing at each other. Also, riders will have to pick up after themselves and leave the vehicle in the same state when the ride first began, meaning a rider should not leave litter in the car. Physical contact with drivers or fellow riders is also not allowed, meaning there shouldn’t be any touching or flirting with occupants of the car, and sexual conduct is strongly frowned upon. Contact with the driver or fellow passengers after the ride is over is also against the guidelines. If any of these guidelines are not followed, Uber will terminate your account upon further investigation.

A guideline for Uber drivers has also been posted and according to it, drivers are expected to maintain a standard of quality which is based on star ratings, cancellation rate and acceptance rate of rides. When it comes to safety, the same rules which is applied to riders, is applied to drivers, including no physical and unwanted contact with riders, and no usage of foul language. Uber also has zero tolerance for the usage of drugs and alcohols by drivers while driving. If any of these rules are broken, the driver risks being banned from being an Uber driver. If you would like to checkout the complete updated community guidelines, you may click on the source below.