While WhatsApp’s user base grows daily, one of the most requested features from its users is the ability to edit or even revoke sent messages, as well as photos and videos. According to a new beta version of the app, though, these features may be just around the corner. The ability to revoke or edit sent messages is nothing new – the likes of Skype, Slack and more all include the feature – so the fact that WhatsApp has taken so long to include the feature into its app is pretty surprising considering its popularity. Nonetheless, the new beta version of the app hints that the update is incoming, though there is a catch. Messages can only be edited or revoked if the recipient hasn’t seen them, in which case it would be too late to change them.
Until now, WhatsApp has only allowed users to delete messages from their end of the chat, with the recipient still being able to see them, so the new update is sure to please many users, though most would probably prefer the ability to edit messages even after they have been seen. Either way, this ability is likely something that could be implemented after the initial update. Aside from traditional text messages, though, the update also reportedly includes the ability to revoke videos and images, though it’s currently unknown if GIFs and voice messages will also be supported.
Now, although the new message editing and revoking features are being tested in beta, there is no guarantee that the update will roll out to all customers, so there is still a chance that the features will never be implemented. With the high request count, though, it is likely the company will roll them out sooner than later. With WhatsApp’s popularity constantly growing, as well as a strong backing from Facebook, the messaging app shows zero signs of slowing down, especially with features such as video calls being implemented earlier this year, alongside smaller changes such as the removal of the $1 annual fee and GIF support. What this means for the competition, though, is that they are going to have to work much harder in order to compete, especially the likes of Google with their recently launched Allo messaging app.