The Android 7.0 (Nougat) update is due begin rolling back out again to select Sony Xperia devices soon. Sony Mobile took to Twitter to provide an update on the status of the OTA while also looking to reassure owners of Sony Xperia devices that the ‘user experience’ is Sony’s top priority.
The OTA to Android Nougat for the Sony Xperia devices in question, actually commenced almost a week ago on January 17. However, the update was quickly pulled back again (on January 21) due to various issues that had been found with the update. As such, today’s information is more designed to keep those who are waiting on the update in the loop on how the issues are being remedied prior to the update re-commencing a ‘rolling out’ status. While a Twitter announcement is pretty short by nature, Sony has stated that they are “still working on the inconsistencies” which suggests that the issues found have not been entirely ironed out yet. Specifically, Sony addresses this news for the Sony Xperia Z5, Z3+ and Z4 Tablet. While Sony has yet to provide a firm indication of when the update will begin to roll back out again to users, the Twitter announcement does state that they are looking to resume the rollout “ASAP”. So it would seem to fair to assume that the update will be on its way again, sooner rather than later.
While the latest announcement does not provide any further clarity on the issues in question, in previous reports, Sony was noted explaining that after updating a number of users were encountering various “inconsistencies”. Which seem to mainly focus on either audio playback (through third-party apps) and/or issues with the SD card and encryption. Likewise, while the Tweet simply mentions “Z5”, it is largely understood that this refers to the Xperia Z5 family in general. Therefore, owners of the Sony Xperia Z5, the Z5 Compact and the Z5 Premium. As well as owners of the older Xperia Z3+, and the Xperia Z4 Tablet. Although, it is currently unclear whether the update will be held back until the issues are considered fixed on all of the mentioned devices, or whether Sony will release for some devices beforehand, if they show quicker progress than the other affected Xperia models.