Amazon Is Shipping Samsung's Chromebook Plus To UK Residents

Amazon is shipping Samsung’s Chromebook Plus to UK residents. This discovery was made by a user on Google+ that displayed an image of the listing page for the item on the U.S. version of Amazon’s website, and in clear print it say that the item will ship to the United Kingdom. This means that UK citizens can make the purchase of the item on the U.S. version of Amazon, and have it shipped to their country like any other purchase made from the UK website, although there is a significant difference in charges for the shipping and customs fees (over $100) as they will be quite a bit higher with the item shipping at those longer distances due to the import. Having said that the cost of the Chromebook Plus if it were officially released in the UK with local shipping fees would be expensive as well.

For U.S. residents that have wanted to purchase the Chromebook Plus, which is the lower cost model of the two Chromebooks that Samsung announced during CES in early January of 2017, the Chromebooks officially went on sale Sunday, although Amazon’s website shows that a shipping time is set at 1 to 2 months, and this is the same amount of time for shipping for both U.S. and UK residents, so shipping to the UK doesn’t have any affect on the lengthening of time.

There is no indication of when the shipping time might go down, whether for U.S. or UK buyers, but chances are that more limited stock and back orders have a small part to play in the amount of time it’s going to take for consumers to receive the new Chromebook model. The Chromebook Plus will be joined by the Samsung Chromebook Pro, which is essentially the same Chromebook in almost every respect save for the processor type that was used. Beyond the CPU, the other specs as well as the build materials and design are all the same, right down to the size of the screen, weight of the laptop, and the integrated PEN. It’s also unclear if Samsung will officially launch the Chromebook Plus in the UK, but until then it’s at least possible to buy one and have it imported.

Buy The Samsung Chromebook Plus