Google Testing Swipeable Cards For Play Store App Listings

It seems as though Google is currently testing a new way to engage with app listings on the Google Play Store. The new design has been noted on Reddit and essentially adopts a more prominent display for apps that you might not have installed yet. With the new design in play, once a user opens the Google Play Store and taps on “Top Charts” for instance, the same horizontal tab listing of apps appear. However, it seems if you click on any of the listed apps, not only does the UI open the app page but it also activates a swipeable feature where you can then skip through to the next Top Chart app listing – omitting the need to have to go back to the Top Charts main list just to click on the next app.

At the moment this does seem to only be a feature that is being tested in a limited capacity and therefore, it is unlikely that you will see it live on your device, unless you have been included as part of the testing group. Likewise, as this is a limited tested feature, it is unclear how long it has been in testing for and so some may have since this feature go live on their devices quite some time ago. In addition there is no guarantee that this feature will make its way to the Google Play Store for everyone. Google often tests new features and while some make it through, others do not. At present, it remains to be seen whether this one will make it or not.

Towards the end of January, another design layout was in testing and this one looked to introduce larger Play Store search results cards. While this is a different feature, the common aspect between both recently noted features is that Google seems to be looking for ways in which it can provide apps with a more prominent presentation. Although what is likely to be at the crux of whether either of these features make it out of the testing phase is whether they can be included without impacting on the user experience. For instance, while the new UI design noted here is more colorful and a nicer overall presentation, it is unclear as to whether users want to scroll through all Top Chart (or any other refining filter) apps. In either case, you can see if the new design is live for you by heading over to the Google Play Store on your mobile device and clicking on any of the apps listed under Top Charts. Alternatively, you can also check out how the new design looks and works in the animation below.