Google's AOSP Site Gets A Material Design Makeover

Google’s AOSP site has received a Material Design makeover recently and while the use of these new design elements is going to be a big part of the changes, there is more to see than just material design. Google has overhauled the site to allow for easier navigation so users will be able to more quickly find what it is they’re looking for and they’ve done this in a few different ways. Part of this comes from the new design of course, which definitely has a little more pop to it, but also due to Google’s use of a larger font size so words on the page are easier to read.

Google was able to enlarge the font as they’ve opened up the space you have on screen when viewing the site which essentially gives you more screen real estate. They also mention that developers will more easily be able to view code samples, and for anyone viewing the new site on a mobile device, the makeover includes a new mobile-ready version which looks just as good on a smartphone display as the desktop version looks on a PC monitor or laptop display. While the AOSP site was already capable of being viewed on mobile devices Google says the new layout should appear less cluttered and have an overall more organized feel to it.

As with all things Google, security is a focal point with the new AOSP layout and in accordance with this the Security tab has been moved to a new location. It still sits up with the other tabs but Google has moved it from where it was previously to sit next to the Source tab (making it the second tab in the bar) so it’s drawing more attention. Other tab changes include a new name for Devices which is now called Porting, and Tuning is now the new tab for everything that was previously found under Core Technologies. To keep things simple developers will also still be able to get to the AOSP code repositories with just a click using the dedicated Go To Code button. Users who visit the AOSP website should see the new layout on both the desktop and mobile versions of the website.