Verizon's Galaxy S8 Ad Talks About their Network

Verizon’s newest advertisement uses one of their very own network engineers as a mouthpiece to boast about how well Samsung’s new flagship performs on their network, all while an unidentified man appears to nab himself a couple of Galaxy S8 units that seem to be in use for some kind of testing. The commercial starts out innocently enough, with the soon-to-be thief grilling a Verizon network engineer named Ammara Bhaimeah on why Verizon’s version of the Galaxy S8 is so great. This commercial is the first of many in the “Network Superhero” series, meant to celebrate the people behind Verizon’s network and service.

After the man in the commercial asks for a reason that Verizon’s Galaxy S8 is a great device, Ammara launches into her explanation, touting the fact that Verizon’s network is America’s largest 4G LTE network. The man grabs a nearby Galaxy S8 from an empty desk to poke and prod at while Ammara talks about Verizon’s network, much to the chagrin of whoever will likely be coming back from their break soon to find it gone. Once he’s convinced Amara is distracted, he stuffs the phone into his sportcoat. He even tries to distract her to do it again as she tells him about Verizon’s unlimited plans featuring full HD video, but she outright watches him snatch up the second device and pocket it. Ammara ends the segment by addressing the thief in a sarcastic tone, but surprisingly not about the phones he swiped, and then just walks off. Verizon ups the ante on the stealing implication with the commercial’s tagline; if you really want the best, switch to Verizon.

The commercial comes alongside a press release celebrating Ammara’s legacy with Verizon. In her seven year tenure, she attended the company’s leadership development program, which landed her in the job she’s in today, testing Verizon’s network to help ensure that customers are getting the best possible speed and coverage. Before that, she earned a Master’s Degree from UCLA for electrical engineering. As a bonus of sorts, those who click over to YouTube rather than watching the embedded video inside the press release will find a blurb in the description about the fact that Verizon is currently offering the Galaxy S8 for only $15 per month, and they’re running a trade-in deal that grants new or upgrading customers a $50 Visa gift card when they trade in a qualifying device.
