Verizon Wireless has partnered with the Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) to offer members unlimited hotspot service via a Jetpack MiFi 7730L device for only $50 per month. There is a one-time membership payment of $50, the offer runs with no contract, and the Jetpack device is yours to keep after you pay for a single month of service. The usual caveats of unlimited data on Verizon apply here; after 25GB, you will be deprioritized, meaning that you will experience slower speeds on congested connections, possibly all the way down to 2G speeds at times, depending on your location. Verizon has not put out a press release detailing the partnership, nor has it made any efforts to advertise the offer as of this writing. Despite the lack of publicity, the deal has already reached its limit for this month, meaning that nobody can sign up at the moment. The FMCA will presumably start accepting new signups in July.
Joining up with the FMCA may be a cheap way to get a great deal on an unlimited hotspot plan from Verizon, but there are other perks. FMCA members get FMCAssist for free, which is a special assistance service that can help in an emergency involving your RV or coach. Roadside assistance of a more traditional nature, which covers things like flat tires and lockouts, is available for $109 per year. Members also get special perks and discounts with services like windshield replacement, tours and cruises, and RV insurance. A subscription to Family Motor Coaching Magazine is also free.
This partnership comes not long after Verizon started offering unlimited data plans again, after a long period with only tiered plans available. Those plans are still on offer alongside the unlimited plan, which runs $80 for a single line. The $50 that FMCA members can now pay for unlimited data on a Jetpack will only get non-members 4GB of data. It should be noted that the members-only plan is non-transferrable; you’re not technically allowed to take the SIM card out of the Jetpack and put it into other devices. The plan is also proctored and offered through the FMCA, so Verizon store, phone, and online representatives won’t be able to help you out with any related concerns, though they can help with hardware troubles, since the Jetpack device on offer is sold by the New Jersey-based company.