Futurama: Worlds Of Tomorrow Finally Lands On Google Play

Futurama: Worlds Of Tomorrow has finally landed on Google Play and it’s filled to the brim with all the fun and crazy excitement you may remember from the show, wrapped up nice and neat in a just as fun and crazy adventure game that is sure to please fans. Best of all, the story of the game is a brand new entry into the series which means all of the moments hidden within aren’t going to be retellings of your favorite episodes. While the game will probably make you feel nostalgic, you can rest assured that the included cut scenes and in-game banter happening back and forth between the characters was designed just for this game on mobile.

The game is comprised of a handful of different elements and game types. It’s got world builder characteristics as you’ll be able to build your own version of the New York from the show, but you’ll also be able to battle it out in 16-bit combat against evil aliens that seek to do you harm. Characters are customizable and you can level them up to increase their stats and abilities, and of course it wouldn’t be Futurama without the full cast. Throughout the game you’ll be able to play as Bender, Fry, Leela and others although you won’t be able to play as all of them immediately. Some game progression will be required before you get to some of the characters.

You can explore new galaxies and worlds where you’ll be able to uncover all manner of species, and one of the best features that’s likely to capture the attention of gamers who enjoy being in control is the ability to make choices which affect the overall outcome of the story, which is going to give Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow some replay value. This adventure game is a free title though it does contain some in-app purchases, as do most free games these days, but they don’t appear to be very obtrusive so you can play to your heart’s content without worrying that the game will bug you every five minutes to spend you real money. That being said it is completely optional and any in-app purchases are likely to be beneficial. If you’re dying to get your hands on the game you can pick it up from the button below.