Google's Project Fi Makes it Easy to Split the Bill

Today, Project Fi has announced another new feature, and that is the ability to split the bill with group repay. The search giant states that nearly 75% of adults in the US share their wireless bill with someone else. Whether that’s their parents, their siblings or even their significant other. Family plans are often times cheaper than buying a single line plan from one of the US carriers. Now, splitting the bill is pretty easy, at least if you are on Project Fi. Google has made it so that you don’t need to ask others to pay their portion of the bill, nor do they need to do the math to see how much they owe, making things a whole lot easier.

There are a few different options available for splitting the bill, in Project Fi. You can have the user only pay for their line, pay a fixed amount each month, or only pay for additional data. Now this last option can be useful if you pay your child(ren)’s cell phone bill, but don’t want to pay for their extra data, thus you force them to pay for the extra data that they use, over their plan. Remember on Project Fi, data is $10/month per gigabit. The cash is sent via Google Wallet, which had been transferred into a money sending service, versus a mobile payments service, like it was before. Users are also able to set up reminders, so that they know they need to send money for their cell phone bill each month, and there’s no reason to forget.

This new feature makes it much easier to use a group plan on Project Fi, especially if you’ve been looking to get a group plan with a few friends, but don’t want to pay for your friends service every month. This feature is rolling out to all Project Fi users this week. And Google has also announced that for a limited time, those current Fi customers that add a new member to their group plan, will get a free month of Fi Basics (that’s $20 for the talk and text and connectivity) for both users.