Maple Media Acquires ROM Toolbox Pro Developer

Maple Media has acquired ROM Toolbox Pro developer, JRummy Apps, presumably to add its talented team to its own portfolio of offerings. Maple Media is a company that is based out of L.A. and it seems that it’s main purpose is to purchase applications with the intent to present them to the public with better marketing, perhaps in hopes of growing the user base and making them more popular.

There were no terms of the acquisition that have been discussed or been made public so it isn’t clear at this time what the monetary details are for the deal, but it appears that as part of the acquisition all of the apps that were developed by JRummy Apps are now under the sole ownership of Maple Media. This means apps like ROM Toolbox Pro and ROM Toolbox Lite, as well as Build.prop Editor, ROM Installer, ROM Browser and others are all now under the control of Maple Media. It wasn’t stated whether or not JRummy Apps’ development team was going to be moving with the apps to be part of Maple Media, so it’s possible that just the rights to the applications were purchased, with the developers doing their own thing.

According to the reported details, Maple Media wants to change the outlook people have on rooting and jailbreaking devices, and with the apps under the JRummy umbrella being some of the most popular if not the most popular for rooting purposes on Android, alongside other apps for root users like Tasker, it sort of makes sense that this would be a good place for it to start working towards achieving that goal. How the rebrand will happen or what Maple Media plans to do to change the stigma that is usually associated with rooting your device is unknown, at least for now, but since the company is known for marketing applications as this is said to be its only purpose, there’s a good chance that users may end up seeing more advertisements or promotional material for the apps that Maple Media has acquired as part of the deal. Whether or not that happens to be in the Play Store or just around the web is also unclear.