Google Has Fixed Android Wear Google Assistant Issues

A recently reported bug in Android Wear that affected Google Assistant has now been fixed, according to the Google employees on the associated help forums. The issue, which was brought to light by users on the forum, was that Wear voice actions were not responding as they should have in some cases or not responding at all in other cases. The fix itself was officially available yesterday, August 13th, just a week after the problem was reported via the forums on August 6th. According to the help forum’s Community Manager, Ernest, the problem actually turned out to be something going wrong in the servers associated with Android Wear’s Google Assistant service.

Google’s representative says that a “server-side change” was made that should have fixed the issue. Anybody still having issues should first try updating to version 7.8 of the Google application. For anybody who has not already received the update automatically, that can be accomplished manual in a few easy steps. First, users need to open up the Google Play Store and then navigate to the “My Apps” section via the menu located at the top right of the screen. From there, they should be able to see an update for the application and install it. Of course, if users are still seeing issues, they are prompted to make a list of the voice commands “that are still failing.” That list will need to be sent to Google along with a bug report, which can be sent directly from the watch itself. Instructions for accomplishing that can be attained from Google and anybody who has previously reported the bug should check their email for those instructions if they are still experiencing issues.

As Android Wear 2.0 appears on more wearables and the list of devices launching with the software increases, there are bound to be some issues with the software. That’s likely down to how difficult it can be to test software over a largely uncontrollable range of hardware supplementary software from manufacturers. This also certainly isn’t the first issue to be in need of a fix since the platform launched, either. With that said, Google appears to be keeping up with addressing issues with the platform relatively quickly, as those bugs become known.