GSMA released its North American Mobile Economy 2017 report today highlighting the strength of the US mobile market, and how that strength is likely to not only continue, but strengthen even more going forward. In particular, GSMA notes that 5G expansion is going to occur very quickly in the US. With the report suggesting that by 2025, nearly half of all connections will be 5G connections. To put this into a number perspective, GSMA predicts that by 2025 there will be 208 million 5G connections. Which will represent 49-percent of all connections in the US. In addition, the report notes that if realized, this will see the US showing faster 5G adoption rates “than any other region.”
Along the route to that prediction, GSMA also expects significant growth in 4G. With the prediction that by 2020 4G connections will be representative of 84-percent of all connections in the US. For comparison, this will be up from the 63-percent noted in 2016. Another aspect that will see growth, albeit not to the same level as 4G (due to the already higher level of penetration), is smartphone connections. With GSMA expecting by 2020 that 81-percent of all connections will be smartphone connections. Up from the 78-percent noted for 2016. Continuing the upward trend expected for mobile in the US, the report also highlights the number of unique mobile subscribers will grow from the 291 million noted in 2016 to 313 million in 2020. A penetration rate equaling 84-percent in 2020, up from 2016’s 80-percent. SIM connections on the other hand will see even greater growth over the next few years. With the report stating that by 2020 there will be 585 million SIM connections in use in the US. A number which is significantly higher than the 452 million noted for 2016.
Aspects which when taking together further highlight the financial growth (and opportunity) that is expected from the US mobile scene over the next few years. With GSMA expecting significant growth in terms of operator revenue, public funding, as well as rises in employment relating to the sector, and the overall contribution the mobile industry will make to North America’s GDP. Those interested can read the report in full by heading through the link below. As well as checking out an overview of the main findings in the images below.
GSMA Mobile Economy 2017