Telegram is currently being updated to version 4.3 in the Google Play Store and on iOS as well, and that update is bringing the ability to see when you’ve been replied to or mentioned directly in a conversation thread, invite people who aren’t on Telegram, and enjoy total Twitch compatibility, which allows Twitch live streams to be viewed in-app, and even through the picture-in-picture mode, while chatting with friends. New options for stickers are also on board, allowing users to mark stickers as favorites, and allowing group administrators to define a fixed sticker set for use in groups of 100 or more. The update is rounded out by a signal strength indicator for voice calls, multiple recipients for forwarded messages, warping from a photo in Shared Media to where it was uploaded in a chat, and faster active chat synchronization.
When you are mentioned or replied to in a chat, you’ll notice a @ badge on that chat. All you have to do is tap on that @ icon, and you’ll be taken to the point in the chat where you were mentioned or replied to. If that happened multiple times, the badge won’t leave the screen until you’ve seen all of your replies and mentions. To mark a sticker as one of your favorites, simply long-press on a sticker in chat, and touch the star icon on the left side of the bar. That sticker will then show up in a section of your sticker menu indicated by a star from now on. Finally, group administrators can set up a consistent sticker set for the group simply by using the “CHOOSE STICKER SET” button in the group management console, without having to add that set into the group panels.
Today’s update makes Telegram easier to use, and with the addition of Twitch integration, makes it a viable group cinema app for like-minded game streaming enthusiasts. Recent updates have added more sites to Instant View, made the service faster and more secure, added in video messages, and bumped the limit for groups up to 10,000 members, among other changes, which are supposed to make Telegram even more appealing to use.