More than 1 billion 5G connections could be in effect by 2023 according to the latest predictions by CCS Insight. While it is expected that 5G will start to see some adoption over the next couple of years it is not until 2020 and beyond when it is expected to make more of a clear impact with the suggestion that by 2023 the number of connections will have passed the first major milestone (1 billion) and actually be closing in on 1.5 billion by the end of the same year. Fast forward to 2024 and it is expected that the number of 5G connection will be nearing 2 billion while by 2025, CCS Insight predicts the number of worldwide 5G connections will reach 2.6 billion. Further highlighting that once the 5G boom hits, it will rapidly grow in the following years.
One of the reasons CCS Insight expects such rapid growth is largely to do with China. As the predictions suggest that over the next few years China will largely “dominate” the 5G connection scene. To highlight just how much China’s influence will have on the expansion of 5G, CSS Insight suggest that by the time those 1 billion connections have been established (2023), China will account for more than half of them. While that number is expected to even out a little as time goes on, the prediction is China will continue to lead the way and by 2025 (when 5G is expected to have reached deployment in most places) China will still account for over 40-percent of active 5G connections.
The announcement on this goes even further by stating this will not happen by accident with the suggestion made that China’s “political ambition to lead technology development” will play a huge factor in the quick adoption of 5G going forward within the region. Although China will not be alone on this with CSS Insight also noting how the United States, Japan, and South Korea are also “fighting it out“ to be seen as one of the leaders in the development and deployment of 5G. Which is a point that largely forms the basis of these predictions as while 5G is still in a very early phase with exact specifications still undecided, the push many high-profile countries are currently making to roll out 5G is going to significantly facilitate the rate of adoption when it is finally market ready. So much in fact that CSS Insight also suggests 5G will be “quicker out of the starting blocks than any previous mobile technology.”