Google To Patch The Pixel 2's High-Pitched Sound Issue

Google is going to patch the Pixel 2’s high-pitched sound issue that has been surfacing for some users over the past few weeks. This is according to a response from a Google employee on the Pixel User Community where the issue was first brought up, stating back on November 17th that the issue would be patched/fixed through an upcoming update with the software that Google is planning to push out to Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL devices over-the-air. Right now there isn’t an exact time frame on the release of this patch, but Google does mention that it will be sent out to users in the coming weeks, so users should expect this problem to hopefully disappear within the next month.

That said, there is no guarantee that it won’t take longer to reach all users, so it’s worth keeping that in mind and being prepared for dealing with it for at least that long. If you’re unfamiliar with this problem that has been bothering some customers of the Pixel 2, back on October 24th it was reported that some consumers who purchased Google’s second-gen Pixel device were hearing a slight buzzing noise when using the phone. This would come up during phone calls when holding the phone up to your ear and wasn’t necessarily happening at all times, but it was enough to put some users off and warrant the issue being discussed on the user community forums.

If you’re still dealing with this issue it won’t be too long before it’s fixed, but another thing to remember is that Google doesn’t mention anything about the patch being sent out region by region or all at once, so it’s possible that it may be pushed out to users on a bit of a slower basis if Google is doing it in batches. The high-pitched noise that some consumers have been hearing during phone calls is one of a few issues that have popped up for the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, with some others having problems, such as unresponsive edges of the display on one or both sides of the screen, though this seemed to be less prominent than this particular problem.