OnePlus has reportedly included an additional perk for buyers of its Star Wars Edition OnePlus 5T, in the form of an Easter egg in the packaging. Upon opening the box, those who’ve purchased the special edition are greeted by a card which provides a hint at the secret. There is, as is often the case with Easter eggs, a hidden message within that message itself in order to guide the device’s new owner along the path to discovering the Easter egg. At this point, it should be noted that anybody not wanting to have the Easter egg spoiled for themselves will probably want to stop reading as there will be some spoilers revealed here.
Moving on, by looking at only the first letter of each line of the message on the greeting card, Star Ward Edition OnePlus 5T owners will note that they spell out yet another message, prompting the owner of the new device to “scribble with pencil.” There are, of course, creases created by letters in the space below and rubbing along those with the edge of a pencil reveals yet another message. That message reads “Find the secret compartment and check the weather forecast on Ahch-To.” The hidden partition in question is, meanwhile, actually in the OnePlus 5T box itself and can be found underneath what looks like the bottom of the box on the inside – and requires only a small amount of effort to pull apart. Inside, customers will discover a folding 3D object and instructions for putting it together. Following the instructions found earlier, users can then navigate to the built-in weather app and search for “Ahch-To.” On any other device, including the original OnePlus 5T, that wouldn’t return any results. On the Star Wars Edition, however, users will be greeted with yet another secret message, instructing them to line up a coded graphic on the object with the device’s camera. That will, in turn, result in a final message displayed to the user from the well-known astromech droid, R2-D2.
Beyond that Easter Egg, the Star Wars Edition OnePlus 5T is already a relatively spectacular device. That’s likely to be particularly true for fans of the Star Wars franchise since it will definitely stand out from other Android devices. In addition to packing in all of the latest in specifications and components, the back of the device features the Star Wars logo and the standard casing has been recolored to Sandstone in order to match up with a locale from the Star Wars universe, accented by a red alert slider. Of course, it also features several Star Wars appropriate wallpapers to complete the look.