Foobot Helps You Monitor Indoor Air Quality

Foobot helps you monitor indoor air quality by measuring multiple factors to ensure that the air inside your home is free of pollutants and kept fresh for the best possible quality of air to breathe. While there are a number of technical functions that are going on with Foobot to make this happen, users can easily tell when there air is no longer fresh by the visible LED lighting system that was built into the outside of the device, ranging from Blue to Orange. As depicted in the image below the more Blue light you have the better the air quality, an the more Orange light you have the worse the air quality. Using these easy to see light indicators users can take action and make adjustments to things to improve the air quality in the home on a regular basis.

Foobot will measure different elements that impact inside air quality, such as VOCs, PM2.5s, Co2, humidity, and temperature. As health can be impacted by poor air quality the ability to measure it should be increasingly important, especially when considering that everyday activities in the home can be a party to lessening the quality of air, such as cooking, cleaning, and using items like perfume and cologne.

Foobot boasts that by being able to measure the indoor air quality users can look forward to things like improved levels of energy and better quality sleep, as well as being able to focus more. Foobot also states that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air by a measure of eight times, which seems quite high. In addition to the colored lights on the outside of the Foobot monitor the device also connects to a smartphone companion app to help you view things remotely. The app will show things like your air quality score and pollution charts if you care to see a little more data than just color-coded indicators. The pollution charts in particular will house things like real-time data and historical readings, as Foobot will analyze your air quality over time to get a better picture of how things are. Foobot is already available on Amazon for $199, and boasts a fairly quick and easy setup that takes up to five minutes. Foobot also works with other smart home devices, such as smart thermostats like the ecobee4.

Buy The Foobot Air Quality Monitor