Microsoft has detailed a number of new features that are either already available or will be rolled out soon to the Outlook Android app. Among the new functionalities that recently became available in the Outlook Android app are the ability to sync draft folders across devices, and support for SOCKS proxies. The ability to sync draft folders allows users to start writing a draft message on one device and either edit or finish the message on another system. Meanwhile, the Outlook app now supports SOCKS proxies, a protocol that businesses use in an effort to protect sensitive information from malicious attacks by blocking mobile devices from directly accessing the internet.
There are also a number of new features that will be rolled out to the Outlook Android application starting this month. Those include the Office Lens technology which makes it easier for users to capture images and incorporate them into their emails. In order to capture images, users will soon only need to tap the photo icon, which appears after they start writing a new message. The photographs captured are automatically enhanced and cropped by the software before being incorporated into a message. In addition, users will soon be able to select their favorite contacts. Messages from favorite contacts will appear on top of other emails. Moreover, companies will soon be able to restrict the Outlook Android application on managed smartphones to only one Office 365 account per device. This reduces the risk sensitive information being copied to one’s personal account.
Other features that will also be rolled out soon to the Outlook Android app include the Quick Reply box and the ability to block external images. The Quick Reply box is located at the bottom of the screen and allows users to view emails while formulating replies. On the other hand, the ability to block external images enables users to prevent digital marketers from tracking their email accounts. The Office Lens technology, Quick Reply, and the ability to block external content will be rolled out to Android users this month, while every other new functionality will be deployed beginning with June.