Personalize Android Device Charging With Alerts & Animation

The process of charging up a device’s battery can now be made much more personal thanks to a new app on the Google Play Store which adds alerts and animations. At least one goal of the app, aptly named”Battery Charging Animation + full battery alarm,” seems to be to address one all-too-common problem faced by mobile users when it comes to plugging in. It’s a well-established fact that leaving a device charging for too long can cause problems in some smartphones. By adding the ability to receive an alert when the battery is charged, users can stop worrying about that entirely. Users simply need to navigate to the settings of the app to set an alarm for whatever battery level they’re trying to achieve. Notification type, including whether a notification shows in the notification bar, can be set in addition to the volume and sound played by the alert. Those are played based on whether the battery rises above or falls below a set value.

Setting that aside though, the primary purpose of the app seems to be to add an animation which will be played during charging. Several options are available to pick from and, although there’s no option for custom additions yet, there should be something there for nearly anybody. It’s worth pointing out, however, that those do also need some work, in terms of pixelation and clarity. Having said that, as with the animation itself, that’s likely to improve over time and with user feedback. This is, after all, the first iteration of this particular device personalization app. Once the animation itself is chosen, users can reposition it, resize it, rotate it, and adjust transparency. After all of that’s set, plugging in the device will play the animation overlayed on the home screen, giving users a quick glance at the status.

As already mentioned, there are a few areas where this app could stand to be improved and it likely will be once user feedback begins rolling in. Aside from the quality of graphics, it appears to function very well and doesn’t require any permissions aside from storage – for storing animations. Moreover, the app works with any handset running Android 4.0.3 or newer. In the meantime, Battery Charging Animation + full battery alarm is free until June 2, down from its normal $0.99 cost. So anybody interested in picking it up for free will probably want to head over to the button below to try it out.