There are many wildfires burning in Northern California, and a few other states out west. Sprint has announced that it will waive any fees for making calls, texts and data overages for Sprint customers in the affected areas. Allowing customers to reach friends and family as well as working to get out of the area and to a safe place. Sprint says that this will be in effect from July 27 to August 4. However, if the wildfires continue, Sprint will likely extend this time frame.
Every year, there are wildfires in Northern California, this is due to how hot and dry it is in that part of the country. California rarely sees any rain at all, which is what brings in wildfires. However, this year, the wildfires are more than double the size of the historical average, meaning that they are far worse then they usually are, which is actually a really big deal. The worst thing about that is the fact that the historical fire season has not even gotten started just yet. That means that Californians are in for a brutal fire season in the next few months.
Last year, there were some pretty big and catastrophic fires near the bay area and in the Los Angeles area. It burned down many buildings in Napa Valley, which only just got rebuilt, and it’s burning down again. Napa Valley is a popular destination in that area of California due to the wineries that are in the area. Many people come to Napa for the views but also for wine tasting, and some of the wineries experienced some pretty devastating damage, unfortunately. It wouldn’t be a surprise to see other wireless carriers offering up the same type of freeze on charges for calls, texts and data to those in the affected areas, especially as the fire season starts to heat up.