Navigate Your Smart TV With Logitech's New K600 TV Keyboard

In short: Logitech has now launched its K600 keyboard which is largely designed with TVs in mind. Offering users of a smart TV or related device an easier way to interact with a TV-optimized interface. The K600 not only features a full keyboard, but also a trackpad and D-pad. Logitech has confirmed the K600 is now available to pre-order and costs $69 in the US.

Background: Controlling TV interfaces has never been great although it has got better with the likes of Android TV which offer a more TV-based and app-optimized interface. However, not all apps are equal and some require more in depth navigation than others, with a web browser being a prime example. The Logitech K600 looks to fix all of these problems by offering a wealth of ways to interact with the interface through one single control connected to the device. For example, in addition to the keyboard, trackpad, and D-pad, the K600 also features dedicated media buttons for the most commonly used remote control buttons (volume, etc). It’s worth noting that while the Logitech K600 is listed as compatible with a number of known-branded TV lines including LG, Samsung and Sony, it also features Bluetooth and therefore should be compatible with operating systems like Android TV as a whole, in addition to other Android-based devices like smartphones, and of course, PCs and laptops. Speaking of the Bluetooth support, Logitech suggests the new K600 TV keyboard is capable of connecting to devices from up to fifteen meters away, and can connect to three different devices at the same time, with the ability to easily cycle between connected devices.

Impact: The Logitech K600 is likely a sign of things to come as while this product is certainly more like a PC or laptop accessory than one designed for the TV, the difference between modern smart TVs and PCs is decreasing as no longer is a button-based remote control sufficient to fully navigate the interface. A number of products like this do already exist and so this might feel like more of a natural transition for some users. As importantly, while there are a number of options already available, this one does come from a company with a proven keyboard and mouse track record.

Pre-order Logitech K600 TV Keyboard