Stadia Games & Entertainment To Open Studios In Japan & The UK

Stadia Games & Entertainment is thinking big about the future, and has opened up about its plans for more studios. Specifically the locations.

According to a report from 9To5Google, job openings were spotted on Google’s careers page for positions in both London and Tokyo.

This points to a few things. One of which is that the Stadia team is moving pretty quickly to expand its reach in the first-party studio department.

Stadia is seeking executive game producers for its new studios

The Stadia Games & Entertainment team is seeking a couple of different positions at these new studios.

In Tokyo, the team is reportedly looking for an Executive Game Producer, as well as an Associate Producer. In London, the team is looking for an Executive Game Producer.

These are both pretty big positions with central roles for the company. As a result, it seems like the company is really driving forward with setting up studios in key locations around the globe.

Stadia’s first studio will be putting roots down in Montreal, a city well-known for its rich history with video games. That said, Tokyo is a massive city and deeply rooted in video games as well.

Stadia already mentioned it was looking to open multiple studio locations

Stadia already mentioned that it wanted to open a studio in a few different locations. A previous report following the Montreal announcement included those details.

However it wasn’t mentioned where the studios would be. Just that the plan was to open multiple locations.

With Stadia eyeing a new studio in each of these two cities, it could have a bright future ahead. An expansion of first-party studios means Stadia Games & Entertainment is serious about becoming a major players in the video games industry.

Not that it wasn’t before, but it looks a lot more serious now. Though the London studio and the Tokyo studio may eventually pump out first-party content, it’s also likely that neither will start that way.

According to the job listings, Stadia may be seeking outside developers to create games. These would be for those studios and exclusively for the Stadia platform. Stadia of course hasn’t confirmed this, but the job descriptions seem to hint at this being the case.

In addition to new job listings in these cities, Stadia also recently set up a research study for Stadia Founders and Premier bundle buyers. The goal is to use feedback from these randomly selected individuals to help “shape the future of Stadia” as a platform.