Good Lock Update Will Finally Bring Compatibility With Android 10

According to a moderator comment recently spotted on a company board for Samsung’s Good Lock app, a new update is finally on the way that will add compatibility for Android 10-based One UI 2.0. The app has been out of commission for Samsung Galaxy Note and S10 series users since the firmware update began arriving several months back. With the latest incoming update, the app will once again work to help users of those devices customize their experience.

Samsung does not seem confident enough to promise that there won’t be any issues with the initial release. The individual in charge of development on the project, who posted to the Samsung board, indicates that it views the initial launch as a test.

He also indicates that at least one Good Lock product, NavStar, is being delayed. So there’s at least one customization option that won’t be available just yet. NavStar is utilized to alter and customize the navigation bar. Changes in the way auto-hiding the bar works in Android 10 are forcing the company to delete that feature. And unspecified late development problems are behind the delay.

So what does the update bring to Good Lock services & products?

With regard to changes being brought to Good Locks eight other customization services with the update, those are far-reaching. Samsung says the app itself is getting some new features too. For instance, updates to the splash screen and profile information are in place. The entire app has been reorganized to meet with One UI 2.0 standards as well as a new Dark Theme being added in.

Starting with LockStar, the biggest changes are internal. Elements on display on the lock screen can now be automatically arranged to match the background using AI. There’s a new, oft-requested detail view for notifications too, on top of an auto-off time setting for the lock screen. Other UI settings have been improved as well and FaceWidget has been resized to align with One UI 2.1 standards.

QuickStar, Task Changer, and NotiStar are seeing fewer changes. For the first of those, the company is improving color segmentation and visibility of Quick Tiles and other UI. That’s on top of adding a clock central position for non-notch or hole devices. NotiStar is only receiving a custom function for the lock screen. Task Changer will align with Google changes alongside the addition of a vertical style and better distinguishing between quickswitch and gesture actions.

The ThemePark settings are being adjusted in a minor but no-less impactful way too. Namely, manual color changes and dark mode theming will now be possible.

There’s more incoming but what’s the release timeframe here?

All of these changes are expected to arrive on February 3 of this year. That’s just a few days away but it could also only apply to South Korean devices. Samsung has taken that tact in the past for testing purposes.

In the meantime, Samsung is updating its MultiStar, One-Handed Operation, and Sound Assistant Good Lock apps. The company outlines its biggest MultiStar changes as containing one particularly useful alteration in particular.

Namely, MultiStar will now allow users to quickly run an app in either split-screen or pop-up mode simply by long-pressing the recent button. The size of the gesture area for pop-up screen execution has been altered too and the tool can be set to allow those apps to continue running through the deletion of those apps from recent apps.

Last but not least, MultiStar will remember pop-up screen placement and run the apps in the same place if opened again.

For Sound Assistant, Samsung is making internal changes and new, unspecified changes will arrive in February. But there are two features that have been outlined. Those are the addition of a menu that allows a vertical-style volume UI. And MultiStar’s multi-sound functionality has been moved and the volume add-on added.

An auxiliary handle can be added to One Hand Operation mode now too. That’s in addition to a quick toolbar function and the ability to adjust vibration feedback. Samsung is adding the ability to change the color of animations associated with One-Handed Operation as well.