Samsung Shuts Down US Stores To Battle Coronavirus

In obeying the call of global governments to fight coronavirus and keep people safe, Samsung is shutting down all its US stores temporarily.

Samsung shuts down all US stores to battle coronavirus

“As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, the health and well-being of our employees and customers are our top priority…in an effort to minimize the spread of the virus, I am sorry to announce we are temporarily closing all US stores as of today, Tuesday, March 17,” said Samsung Electronics America President and CEO YH Eom in a letter to customers yesterday.

There is no word on when Samsung will reopen its US stores. US President Donald Trump says the COVID-19 spread could rage on until July or August of this year. Samsung, like many others, could see its US stores closed for some time.

Samsung’s US store closings in step with many others

Samsung’s decision to close its US stores concerns the spread of coronavirus across the globe. The first US case of coronavirus out in California occurred with someone who had no contact with a sick person from high-risk countries. Washington State is one of the major concerns here in the US, as the Life Care Center in Kirkland has become its own warfront in the coronavirus outbreak.

Samsung stores, Experience Shops, as some may recall, are within Best Buy stores. Best Buy says that it will minimize its hours and foot traffic in retail stores. Since most employees will work from home, it will only allow mandatory employees to report for work.

Also, with reduced hours from 10am to 6pm, employees will only work the normal 8-hour shift. The longer employees stay in the store working, the more fatigue they carry. Fatigue makes it easier to become sick with not only coronavirus but also anything. And susceptibility makes anyone a target for COVID-19, not just elderly persons.

Samsung is essentially treating its workforce in the US as a Best Buy staff extension. In the same way most Best Buy employees must report home, Samsung employees must do the same.

Samsung in South Korea

A Samsung employee turned up sick with COVID-19 in recent weeks. Samsung cleaned the factory floor on which he worked in South Korea but contemplated shutting down the factory for a few days. Eventually, another case turned up and the company was forced to shut down the factory temporarily.

After South Korea’s meeting of the minds to combat a virus that once infected 909 South Koreans a day, coronavirus infections in the country are declining to just 93 daily. This is no doubt due to South Korea’s swift coronavirus testing in the country, started late last month. Currently, South Korea has had 8,413 coronavirus infections and 84 deaths.